Captains log Westend Reliance by Capt. John Gillette
Whaaaat? Reliance on the Westend?
Yep, it's cruise ship day, so when a large family with friends from Atlanta and two gentlemen from California want to checkout the amazing reefs out west, we sent the Big Boat.
Headed out to Tide Bottle for dive one, Turtles, Eels, and southern stingrays posed for photos, along with yellow tailed snappers, Peterson cleaner shrimp, banded coral shrimp, four eyed butterfly fish (no they don't wear glasses) as well as several flavors of Juvenile fish were spotted.
Then off to Spratt Hole, divers checked out more sting rays, turtles, and unfortunately lion fish.
Divers commented how much more awesomer diving in St Croix was compared to St Marteen.
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